onsdag 23. november 2011

Jonathan Livingston Seagull - Be


There once was a bird, a seagull, that performed and behaved like no other seagulls before him.

He flew higher than any other bird, dived faster than any of the other seagulls.

The elder seagull were angry - mischief among the seagulls? Why could not Jonathan behave like the other seagulls?

We are not - like Napoleon said in "Animal Farm" - "We are all equals" - but alas - Jonathan felt different from the other birds.
By going his own way - trying out new things - finding new ways of manoeuvring while flying he felt like a newborn bird again.  And once while flying .... out of the blue came another seagull ... that was able to do the same things as Jonathan did, and lo and behold...he could even teach Jonathan to fly, dive, twist and turn in ways unbelievable to him.

The journey to a new "world" - "new life" began ... and the quest for a future still unknown to Jonathan led him towards far away lands and shores .... a quest that would forever change his life.

We are all unique...we should all persue our dreams whatever other people might think of them.  Provided though that you do it with a pure heart and soul for the good of yourself and mankind.

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